anyway, zomg... a guy added me from Singapore.. and I was like.. who are youu? then i deleted him. Then suddenly he IM-ed me so yeah.. i couldn't see his display pic at first so we talked. He asked about me and the normal stuff. then i thought, ' hmm this guy is okay i guess..' so i added him again and holleyfudgecakemountains. his DP was his dick. == i was like. ewwwwwwwww
I told him to change his DP but he was like "hehe" then he invited me to a webcam session and being a SANE teenage girl, i declined and told him the conversation was getting awkward; while all the time covering his DP.
I mean, it's not like I've never seen one before (to be honest. No one at this age is a goody goody teenage kid.)but it was utterly disgusting. ==anyway, came back from shopping in JJ at 11pm+
Anyway, when boredom strikes on Merdeka night so does the camera.. (i realized that i haven't uploaded camwhore pictures in a looonnngggg time)
Just watch this video and tell me what you see.
To me, I see a man who has his spirit torn into several million shreds by the media and people around him. He looked so tired and in pain. You can say that he might be lying or he might be doing this as a publicity stunt but I don't believe that is so. Truly i believe he was abused physically and mentally.
And what are people still doing now? They're still bashing him with mindless, ridiculous, nasty comments.
And what are people still doing now? They're still bashing him with mindless, ridiculous, nasty comments.
C'mon people, give the poor man a break. He's dead and gone but you people are still criticizing about what he has done. For the record, he has done NOTHING WRONG. Compared to most people out there, i should say they have done FAR MORE WRONG DOINGS THAN HIM. there is one irritating Youtube user that just gets on my nerves. what was his name.. 19apriltwin71? hah. get a life.
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