Sunday, August 23, 2009

barefeet + football = Ouch!

yeahh.. so i broke my toenail today at church; attempting to kick a volleyball barefooted.
*note to self: never do that again.
and this was what happened.

it's not really clear but here's picture of my chipped-offed nail. :D

it didn't hurt much. it just freaked me out a little. especially when i could see a crack from the tip to the side. it looks kinda rectangular.. :O

besides the toenail, i think i sort of.. um.. kinda-dislodged-ish-ed my left side of my jaw. D: it sort of "clicks" when i open my mouth kinda wide. and it hurts sometimes. gah. what a bad weekend.
Thank God it's the holidays or i'd have to go to school with pink-coloured toenails. mehh..

Had dinner at McD's drive thru with mum and the maid just now. my dad was being a couch potato. so we bought a McChicken for him. :)

Ohoh! i watched MJ's World HiStory Tour in Munich; Germany last night at 10.40pm on 8tv. it was like,
at the end of the concert where he sang HiStory, they had several flags of some countries put up on screen. then at the end of the song, they sped up the slide and guess what? I saw OUR NATIONAL FLAG!! :D
i was like:

I was basically yelling hysterically *over exaggerating* to my dad who was watching the show with me. He had put up a screen and plugged in the LCD player thingie (i think). My mum was already asleep. ==
After so long, the song that really makes me tear up is still "I'll Be There" it just holds so much fond memories of the Jackson 5 days and when MJ sang it in his adult voice, it just makes me cry D:
and and, Bae Yong Jun, MJ and my grandma have 1 thing in common.

They share the same birthday!! :D
awesome no? :)


And I didn't fail my PiawaI!! (except Moral)
I got 1A, 4Cs, 2Ds and 1E
Compared to mid-term, these results are Wayyyyyyy better. :D

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