Sunday, June 14, 2009

enjoyed your holidays?

I just got back from KL (again) so, since i haven't updated for a few days... haha! I'm right here in front of the lappie.
I ate so MUCH in KL. i think i put on a few pounds! (not that i look any different) so, i'm gonna run the treadmill before Friday to look fit :)
OH. my phone has officially gone bonkers. I can't send text messages anymore! and so happened that happened when my dad got a new spare Nokia phone. XD
anyways, school holidays are officially over (it's 12.04am) and yeah i have school tomorrow. PROM is this FRIDAY! I so can't wait! Since it's my first prom, I'm really excited. I'm not going for my school's ballet recital just because Prom's on the same night. (duh, i already paid for it) so, I'm gonna have to go on Saturday.
Ah crud. I just realized that i haven't packed my school bag. *runs off to pack bag*


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