Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ballet Concert: Sleeping Beauty

OMG. tonight's Ballet was AWESOME! :DDDD
i. am. so. in. love. with. Ballet. maybe only for the next week...
anyhoots, sang for choir today. i was praying so hard that everything would go fine. See see it did! :)
even the choir sounded beautiful tonight. Compared to last night, a friend of mine told me they were out of tune. omg.. i was like.. wtff?? serious??? serious shit weh. so yeah.. was super relived when everything turned out alright.
and and and it has been a surprising week. On Friday, Mr Cheang (add maths teacher) was in such an awesome mood that he let us (not taking add maths) go for recess early. so, we had 2 recesses. :) but i had to go for choir practice for the concert. so mehh..

anyway, yeah.. the other surprise was the concert. I thought it was gonna be boring as hell; and i ended up wrong. I had a fantastic time =D and to think i almost didn't go. :O

gah my eyes hurt. i look like a sleep deprived person.. must be the eye liner. mehhhhhhhhhh...
i still haven't washed my hair. i just love how it looks right now. XD

anyway, i'm singing for backup tmw at youth so, meh..


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