Wednesday, March 18, 2009


ngehh... i have one thing to say about my choir team. 1/2 of the people in there are SERIOUSLY NOT COMMITTED.
seriously, i'm kinda pissed by this. the competition is end of this month and like... we only had 25 people that came for practice today. I know that the sopranos, mezzos, and altos have been working hard, but i think we're not doing hard enough.

a few comments:

nothing much to complain about because we're mainly the melody. But, i feel that some of us are a little too pitchy when we reach the really high notes like E or F or flat when we go down. ngehh.. and I also feel that Farhana, (please do not be offended) you have been doing a good job as being our metronome but I find that you tend to blow your voice when we sing, making us sound really loud when we don't need to. And also some of us are a little flat and that happens because we strain our voices. I suggest that we should try to control our head voice and chest voice properly to make it even. and Morgana, don't drift off somewhere when we're suppose to practice. great job on the expressions for the English song though! :)

I actually have a lot of say about the mezzos. Don't take me wrong okay, one thing is, the mezzos don't seem to blend in properly. and they are WAY TOO SOFT. we can't hear you. You guys need to be loud enough so we sound even, okay. and also, you're not following the conductor's tempo and following your own. When you are all singing with the altos you all sounded GREAT! seriously, but when be sang together, we just fell apart, you know? So, buck up, be more serious, concentrate and keep your cellphones. Remember your notes and lyrics, and keep with the tempo. watch the conductor and don't DREAM always be ready. I'm pretty sure Jing Wern and Wei Li are willing to help you guys out if you need anything. So if you're not sure, just ask. :)

I have nothing to say bout the alto team. They're contributing quite well actually. But there are some of them who talk.. A LOT. they also need to be a little louder. :)

some tips:
  • Don't consume dairy products especially milk 3 days before a big singing event. milk gives a reaction to our throat to produce mucus.
  • Drink lot's a WARM WATER. don't drink cold water when singing. it will make your throat feel dry and many trips to the toilet.
  • stand or sit straight when singing. It will allow proper air flow in the lungs and the diaphragm.
  • Don't consume so much spicy, dry or oily foods before singing.
  • Always warm up properly before singing. Especially in the morning.

here's SMK Convent Bukit Nanas from Johor with Putra Putri 2007 choir nationals. Watch and learn from them:

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