Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter! + Why, what big Teeth you have

Hey ya'll! It's been a little while since i last updated :D
how was your Easter Day? Mine was really packed to be honest. I had to wake up at 5.30am on Easter Sunday for the Sunrise Service. Gawd.

choir! I'm pretty sure you can spot me :D (night service)
Currently, I'm at work and I'm feeling real lazy to upload photos atm. Bah

anyway, went to watch Red Riding Hood yesterday with friends. I have to say, the movie ain't bad; except for the fact that every single scene felt like something bad was going to happen. Even eating cookies. I mean seriously, what more can you expect from the director of Twilight? (I find Twilight's movie really boring so i don't get what's all the rave for that movie series)

Amanda Seyfreid is reaaallllyyy pretty.

the main cast ain't bad too :D

Max Irons, Shiloh Fernandez, Amanda Seyfreid
anddddd then I bought tickets for another movie for the night and we went home at 3.45pm and i just knocked out on my bed at home till 6pm. Woke up, got ready, had a light dinner and went out again at 6.45pm! anddd we watched Rio!!

Rio is SO CUTE i tell you. I almost cried from laughing too much. And they break out into song often which is real amusing :D especially when they're birds!

and and and Anne Hathway has sucha sweet voice~ there a ton of other stars starring in this movie too! like and Jamie Foxx and Jessie Esienberg from The Social Network!

yeah i totally forgot what else to blog about since I lagged the blogging process. Got a new CAT! :D pictures up soon! anticipate it soon!

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