Friday, July 30, 2010

Accidents can happen to a.n.y.o.n.e.

Accidents can happen anywhere, to anyone, anytime. So please drive carefully. If you've heard this a million times, then you'd better start listening to them.
Stop talking on the phone while driving, stop texting while driving, stop chatting while driving, stop speeding, stop over taking when not necessary, stop doing anything else BUT driving safely and paying attention to your surroundings. You may not know what your actions may cause. Taking away another person's life is a sin. Even though unintentionally, the pain you cause to the victim's loved ones will not be spared. You might not be spared as well.!/video/video.php?v=1388779851607&ref=mf

Watching this 7 min plus clip that was posted on facebook made me realize how vulnerable a person's life can be. Till now, the images from the video are implanted in my brain and may be forever embedded as well.
I propose that you click on the link above and watch the horrifying video. I've warned you. You might never want to drive again. Then again, it is an eye opener for those who do not abide to the road rules and safety precautions.

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