Monday, January 5, 2009

First day of Form 4. yay.

yes yes. i bet EVERYONE wants to know of our form 4 first day.. it was UBER boringg.. sat there in the hall, butt rotting away all... CRAMPED some more.. 8 classes all sardined in one small hall..
then, had talk lor... talk and talk and talk and..
you know what? I'm not gonna elaborate on what happened in school.
rained again just now. and the weather is like sunny Forks againn..
having my first MATHS TUITION for the year.. Aryna coming over before tuition to do something artistic to my HAIR. *prays hard*
anyway, my hands are aching and i'm sleepyyy...

yay! i just got back from Mod Maths. tuition. and what can I say? It was fun! i mean, at first it was soooo CONFUSING. something about significant figures and stuff. something to do about bundar and things.. so, after doing it for awhile; i found it quite exciting! [yesh i have gone mad] but what the hayy...
anyway, i forgot about something Mrs. Lee mentioned during perhimpunan.. sports practice starts NEXT WEEK.
talk about FAST. then, this year got Pesta Ria some more. dunno when laa.. so anyway, might be taking Vok4,Vok3 or Sci4. But most probably taking accounts and maybe Econ. Wonder if my school offers Eng. Lit? sounds interesting! haha

"To be or not to be.. That is the question." -quoted by one of Shakespear's works. :p

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