Saturday, August 21, 2010


that's right! trials is 3 more days from ending. (well I don't take add maths. so it's minus a day. If you were wondering) It's been awhile since I last updated. Again, so much has been going on.. the concerts, exams, school, people, etc etc. With so much going on, it's hard to slow down and enjoy what God has placed in front of us: friends, family, nature, love, happiness..etc.

and sometimes, we have too much free time till we don't know what's going on! (like me :P)
for some unknown reason, I seem to have no feelings what so ever for this year's exam. my FINAL exam. THE EXAM that determines where I go. :S
terrible terrible me, i know. How can I even not CARE about my future? I don't know that myself! I'm still really calm and relaxed. (that's a really bad habit i need to kick) But, for some reason, I'm not worried! (even worse) I feel that God has a great plan for me ahead. I kept thinking: "what if I kept getting straight As? What if I keep achieving better? What kind of person would I be if I did?"
Well, maybe I might be a very stuck up person, or maybe someone who wouldn't depend on God; knowing that I can handle things myself down here. Maybe there's a reason why I keep failing in my studies? I might be wrong though. Maybe I keep failing and only achieving averages because God wants to keep me humble and not boast about my achievements? So many questions, so many vague answers. But now is not the time to be asking God "Why? Why not this or why not that?" Everything is planned. Everything has it's purpose. It's a matter of seeing past the doubts and disappointment and looking at the big picture.

I miss Hillsong :(

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