Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ouch Day.

STAR WALK. As I've mentioned, I wore an XXL tee to walk 10 kilometers. well, it wasn't SO bad. just, bad enough. me and icq (friend) walked together for the whole 10 kilometers and were tempted several times to take the shortcut. although she insisted, i was determined to finish without having to result to cheating. (ahem) but nevertheless, we took a short cut anyway. right when we finally arrived at the stadium, with little energy left, we stumbled our way to the finishing line; but we were on the other side. we quickly mad a U-turn and got our certs! I was participant number 6999. :) haha!

so anyway, we walked back to maybank and got our ride, i made it to Judy's house early, got a shower, took a nap and had lunch. the gathering was a little small, if i must say but i had a nice time there. :D after that, mum came and we headed to church. there were SO few people there! i was surprised. usually during the holidays, there are more people flocking back for youth but not today. plus, it rained when we wanted to play captain ball. psh. so, sean lim and i sort of practiced passing and kicking a volleyball cum football to each other; me trying to avoid kicking the ball towards his muscle-pulled-leg while he; trying to play without making his leg cry (from pain). we did that for awhile (until i sweated. bah) then lixin and charlotte joined us. then we got bored. after that, it was talking until i had to go home. the wind was really picking up. then, it poured. made it home, watched some tv, showered, had dinner and now my folks and i might just go watch The Killers. if there are tickets available. =]

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