Saturday, September 25, 2010

My trials are over!! *hysterically happy*
it's been a SUPER long time since i properly sat down and used the computer to surf the web.
so, here I am! and i am proud to say i have improved a whole lot since my last exam. this time, there are no red results! :D

anyway, a very funny thing happened on thursday. My dog, apparently broke the outdoor tap. (used to water the plants and wash the car.)
when i got home from school in the afternoon, water was spraying everywhere!! and my dog had the guilty look on his face. (haha!) the day went on as usual and till the next day.
when i got home on friday, i had a desperate need to wash my hair. and i was worried whether if there was gonna be any water for me to shower with.

when i checked, there was water. and like 5 minutes later, when i turned on the tap, water was hardly dripping at all! I was like: "omg." the next thing i knew, i was in the shower for almost an hour; trying to get water from the shower, the tap, and other water sources. T^T

anyway, the outdoor tap is fixed now and we have running water again! :D Thanks dad!

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